Saturday, January 12, 2008

Moon's Lulliby

I sang once
beneath the blood
red moon
I sang to her
of love
and watched
her swoon
"Tis you"
I sang,
that led me here
to wallow and sigh
neath your
For in my heart
bore the cross
of love
tis heavy
and painful
and sent
from above.
I bear it no longer
for he bears it alone
took it
with pity
when this heart
was scorned.
Alas my mother
the cross
marks are deep
for without it
I am empty,
shy of tears
that I weep
I know no pain
no beauty
no love
I hear no music
shy that
of a dove.
What does it mean
to be empty and hollow,
perhaps sweet mother
You'll show me

Avalonlady Jan 11 2008

1 comment:

Raven Pegasus said...

Ok, I am a ditz, I forgot to log into Blogspot before commenting so you wouldn't think I some strange crazy person!

I'm glad you are here, my friend, and I look forward to seeing more of your poetry posted and what not...who knows-the possibilities are endless here!!!

This still brings tears to my eyes to read my dearest friend!!

Love ya